Najsreќniot čovek na svetot
- Fiction Film
- 95' 18''
- 2022
- North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Slovenia
- Basic info
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- Materials
- Episode
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- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
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- Filming locations
- Trivia
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Asja, a 40-year-old single woman, lives in Sarajevo. Wanting to meet new people, she ends up spending her Saturday in a speed-dating event. She’s matched with Zoran, a 43-year-old banker. However, Zoran is not looking for love but forgiveness.
Director's statement
What defines us: our ethnicity, religion, gender? What divides us or unites us? This is a story about the precariousness of life, about chance encounters bringing together the aggressor and the victim
What defines us: our ethnicity, religion, gender? What divides us or unites us? This is a story about the precariousness of life, about chance encounters bringing together the aggressor and the victim and reviving the painful past; this is a story of impossible connections, of love and absurdity. The film starts as a humour-driven excursion and develops into a mountain of experiences. The natural rhythm is primordial and it’s tightly connected to the human investigative techniques for seeking truth in the aftermath of violence. I see this film as a symphony of choreographed movements uncovering layers of emotions that slowly entangle the viewer in a dizzying experience. Location is essential: an 80’s-style hotel, a witness to the architectural style of former Yugoslavia: concrete brutalism or modernism; and then there is the injured city of Sarajevo, a testament to open wounds and past pains.
Gallery (6)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
important awards
Adnan Omerović has created a character that is visibly and disturbingly torn by an overwhelming feeling of guilt for the dramatic events from the past. The neurosis felt in his whole being tangibly depicts the conflicted state of mind of a man haunted by events he was a part of both as victim and as aggressor.
In the film The Happiest Man in the World, Jelena Kordić has created a fascinating character that gradually, with long, exact restraint, reveals her external and internal scars, creating an arch from the carefully build facade, through the impressive breakdown, to the final confrontation.
MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award
Dramaturgija in režija filma se dopolnjujeta na poti do vrhunca katarze. Film pogumno raziskuje surova ljudska čustva in strahove ter prinaša soočenje preteklosti in sedanjosti. Formirana avtorica sebe in gledalce vrže v strastno raziskovanje filmske forme in teme, pri čemer je ves čas natančna in senzibilna.
Maska v tem filmu je neopazna, a ves čas pristotna. V sozvočju z naravo karakterjev in njihovimi čustvenimi stanji živi življenje svojih likov.
Kostumografija nadgrajuje realizem in prevzame vlogo enega ključnih elementov vizualne podobe filma. V kostumih slutimo osebne zgodbe likov, preko njih avtorica izraža nianse, od ironije do sočutja.
Extended data
Najsrečnejši človek na svetu (Slovenian)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
hrvaško: Scenarij za film Najsretniji čovjek na svijetu potpisuju scenaristica Elma Tataragić i redateljica Teona Strugar Mitevska. Najsretniji čovjek na svijetu bavi se naslijeđem rata, traumama koje su ostale dio života ljudi koji naizgled žive sasvim normalne, tipične, stabilne živote. Asja je četrdesetogodišnja neudana žena koja živi u Sarajevu i osjeća da joj otkucava biološki sat. Provodi jednu subotu na organiziranom događanju za upoznavanje parova. Upoznaje Zorana, četrdesettrogodišnjeg bankara. Protagonisti ove priče pokušavaju smiriti svoju traumu/bol i naći neki novi odnos i život u kojem će traume iz prošlosti ostati zaboravljene u prošlosti. Posljednji film Teone Strugar Mitevske (hrvatska manjinska koprodukcija - Spiritus movens - u kojoj je glavni producent također Sisters and Brother Mitevski) Bog postoji, njeno ime je Petrunija, 2019. godine je premijerno prikazan u službenoj konkurenciji Berlinskog filmskog festivala gdje je osvojio dvije nagrade - Nagradu ekumenskog žirija i Nagradu njemačkog filmskog udruženja. Nakon toga film je distribuiran u više od 30 zemalja i prikazan na oko 100 festivala osvojivši samo dosad preko 30 nagrada. Film je osvojio i Nagradu LUX Europskog parlamenta u 2019. Hrvatski koproducent filma Najsretniji čovjek na svijetu je Terminal 3.
Contact the editors
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