Čao Bela Upcoming
- Fiction Film
- s.d.
- Slovenia
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Bela faces the challenge of establishing a new relationship with her absent mother at a crucial time—when she starts secondary school. This causes her to reflect on the relationships she has taken for granted as well as on the relationships she is re-establishing. For Bela and her friends, the band they form represents freedom and a confession of their world-view. The search for meaning and the cr
Bela faces the challenge of establishing a new relationship with her absent mother at a crucial time—when she starts secondary school. This causes her to reflect on the relationships she has taken for granted as well as on the relationships she is re-establishing. For Bela and her friends, the band they form represents freedom and a confession of their world-view. The search for meaning and the creation of the band raises the question of collaboration and independence at the same time. Bela is a heroine who, with her active attitude to life and with the help of her friends and music, successfully overcomes her first major life crisis. A crisis which, in extreme moments, leads her to try drugs and self-harm. Ciao Bela is a musical youth drama about fundamental family relationships, initiation into secondary school, first experiences of love, about finding oneself, about the path to independence and about overcoming the obstacles that life throws up. Ciao Bela is a film about teenagers today, about the problems they face, but above all about their search for self-expression.
Gallery (9)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Art department
Sound department
Special effects
Visual effects
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Casting department
Costume department
Hair and Make-up department
Post production/editorial department
Music department
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration
Tansportation department
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Aiken Veronika Prosenc, Tina Poglajen, Klemen Dvornik Explication
Čao Bela je scenarij za mladinski film, ki obravnava dogodivščine srednješolke Bele; ta s prijateljicami ustanovi bend in doživi prvo razočaranje v ljubezni. S tega vidika se scenarij loteva vsebin, ki so univerzalno prisotne v življenju mladostnikov in mladostnic: prve ljubezni in razočaranj, prvih spolnih izkušenj, težav v šoli in med vrstniki in vrstnicami, želje po sprejetosti in priljubljenosti in podobnega. V tem smislu so za mladinsko občinstvo teme tudi relevantne, a se zastavlja vprašanje, na katero starostno skupino film cilja: čeprav so mladi junaki in junakinje filma, vključno z Belo, stari 14, 15 in 16 let, se jim dogajajo reči, ki jih običajno pripisujemo starejšim najstnikom ali celo dvajsetletnikom: spolnost z različnimi partnerji, droge itd. Dvomimo torej, da so liki napisani v celoti dosledno. V mladinskih filmih pri nas je sicer redkost, da bi v glavnih vlogah nastopalo več deklet; s tega vidika scenarij v slovenski filmski prostor vnaša nekaj novega, četudi nekateri liki niso preveč izvirni in mestoma zapadejo v klišeje. Struktura filma je solidna, čeprav obstaja prostor za izboljšave v smislu tempa in izčiščenosti dramaturgije. Pričakujemo, da bo film zanimiv za srednješolce, predvsem na šolskih projekcijah, četudi vidimo morebitno težavo v neskladju med starostjo likov in njihovim vedenjem, ki je scenarij ne naslovi zadovoljivo.
Contact the editors
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