- Short Fiction Film
- 12' 25''
- 2019
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
Milan Veber, a 40-year-old unemployed art teacher, has long been jobless and close to penniless. He lives in a cheap small studio that he rents in what used to be a lively working-class neighborhood of an industrial city, feeling too young to grow old and too old to start over – until one morning after a night of drinking. Just when he is about to open a can of beef stew, he looks through the window and sees a bull in the street. A bull that has just escaped from the slaughterhouse.
Director's statement
The director Bojan Labović got the idea for the film when he saw footage of a fleeing bull that someone filmed with a phone anonymously. This very anonymity was the reason why the director started pon
The director Bojan Labović got the idea for the film when he saw footage of a fleeing bull that someone filmed with a phone anonymously. This very anonymity was the reason why the director started pondering the per - ception of the escape rather than the escape itself, all the more so because of the fact that the bull’s tour of the city streets ended with its public execution – that is, with a death sentence because of its passion for freedom and life.
Gallery (12)
Videos (1)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Art department
Sound department
Camera department
Lighting department
Grip department
Costume department
Post production/editorial department
Music department
Tansportation department
creative services
technical services
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Igor Palčič, Boris Petkovič, Radovan Mišić, Sonja Prosenc (alternate) Explication
BIK je scenarij za kratki igrani film po resničnih motivih. Tematika je univerzalna in izvirna, saj povzema resnične dogodke, ki so nesumljivo avtentični. Nekoliko manj je relevantna v pripovednem načinu. Struktura scenarija je dramaturško utemeljena, liki so dosledni v svojih položajih in dejanjih, ki jih sprožajo; kar zmoti je pripovedni način, ki je ponekod preveč shematičen ali premalo premišljen in ni v sozvočju z osnovno idejo filmske pripovedi. Dialogi so dobri, avtentični in pripomorejo k socialno depresivnem splošnem vzdušju filma.
Pričakovana privlačnost filma za slovenski in evropski oziroma mednarodni kulturni prostorni ni zanemarljiva, če se odpravijo pomanjkljivosti v narativnem postopku, ki je ponekod avtorsko »vsiljiv«.
Ocena režiserjevega dosedanjega dela je podana na podlagi priloženih referenc, iz katerih je razvidno, da je njegovo delo na AV področju odmevno.
Ocena režijskega koncepta je podana na podlagi priložene eksplikacije, iz katere je razvidna vizualna podoba, slikovno gradivo ni priloženo.
Odmevnost producentskega dela na AV področju je podana na podlagi priloženih referenc, iz katerih je razvidno, da je njegovo delo na AV področju manj odmevno, saj je MAKUS Bojan Labović s.p novoustanovljena produkcijska hiša. Mednarodni koproducent ni prisoten.
Ocena okvirnega finančnega in terminskega načrta za produkcijo filma je podana na podlagi priložene dokumentacije, iz katere je razvidno, da je projekt dobro pripravljen, saj sta finančni načrt in predračun utemeljena, višina zagotovljenega lastnega deleža in deleža koproducenta je izkazana, terminski načrt in distribucijsko-promocijski načrt doma in v tujini sta ustrezna in jasno definirana.
Filming locations
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