2 brata, 2 sestri
- Documentary Film
- 81' 15''
- 2024
- Slovenia
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At the beginning of the 20th century, the Žagar family developed an international wood industry in the Notranjska region with their enterprise and innovation. After the premature deaths of their father and mother, the wood enterprise, which spanned from Prezid in Croatia to Trieste in Italy, was inherited by the brothers Line and Franci, who were still students at the time. Line, enthusiastic abou
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Žagar family developed an international wood industry in the Notranjska region with their enterprise and innovation. After the premature deaths of their father and mother, the wood enterprise, which spanned from Prezid in Croatia to Trieste in Italy, was inherited by the brothers Line and Franci, who were still students at the time. Line, enthusiastic about the Soviet idea of a just society, became a communist, while Franci tried to preserve the family's property. The Second World War, which divided the world, also placed the Žagar brothers on opposite sides. Line became a communist party official in the new Yugoslavia, while Franci was monitored and hindered throughout his life. The family's trauma also marked all subsequent generations. Seventy-seven years after the war, Franci's daughters, Monika and Barbara, returned from America and Australia to explore the story of their uncle and father. The story of the Žagar family is a tale of being torn between their own identity and ideology.
Director's statement
'Two Brothers, Two Sisters' is the story of Slovenia’s war trauma that affected two generations. The ideological rift between two brothers is a practical and symbolic reflection of the country’s historical schism, which power-hungry politics keep using to divide the people.
Gallery (29)
Credits order
Production design
Sound design
Production department
Art department
Sound department
Camera department
Animation department
Post production/editorial department
Extended data
Two Brothers, Two Sisters (English)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Vojko Anzeljc, Matjaž Ivanišin, Haidy Kancler Explication
Film se loteva zelo univerzalne tematike, razkrojev znotraj družine. Slednje v našem prostoru največkrat srečujemo v povezavi s premoženjskimi koristmi, a so te, ki izvirajo iz življenjskih, političnih, verskih... prepričanj veliko bolj kompleksne in v trenutni družbeni situaciji zelo aktualne. Zgodbo je tako mogoče ponotranjiti in aplicirati na lastna življenja, kjer smo se vsi že kdaj znašli v situacijah, v katerih smo se od ljudi, ki so nam bili blizu odtujili zaradi nečesa tretjega. O univerzalnosti pričajo tudi številni dokumentarni in igrani filmi, ki so bili
na to temo že narejeni. Kljub temu je potrebno poudariti, da bo film potreboval nekaj več, da bo v bazenu filmov s podobno tematiko naredil preskok.
Izvirnost oz. univerzalnost projekta leži predvsem v dejstvu, da je znotraj družine, o kateri film govori, oseba, ki po krvi ne sodi v to družino. Njeno iskanje korenin, ki je zmeraj razburljivo in to v povezavi do zgodovine, do katere nima emocionalne vezi, lahko prinese zanimive situacije v katerih se bodo glavne protagonistke znašle. Zanimivo bo videti, ali bo tretja generacija družine delovala kot mediator, ki pretekle osvobodi spon in vezi ali pa bo nemara padla v nadaljnji začaran krog. Avtor izkazuje radovednost pri sledenju toku dogajanja in predvideva situacije, ki bi filmu lahko dodale nekaj več, neko unikatnost tako našega prostora kot univerzalnost na svetovni ravni. Film je za slovensko področje vsekakor privlačen, zgodbe in biografije glavnih protagonistk so neverjetne.
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