BaNeFF - Balkan New Film Festival
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Festivalske izdaje
angleško: Teenagers captivate us with a journey that helps us understand ourselves, our children and contemplate the significance of family and archetypes in shaping one’s personality. Friendship, guilt, love, tunnels, bridges, the sea, scents, and the endless roads, are all vividly portrayed by young actors in the road movie.
BaNeFF DOC:Short Utemeljitev (angleško): Consistent tone. Brilliant acting, beautiful cinematography and a well crafted story with many layers that stays with you for a long time. The theme of the film is embodied in the exquisite performance in an excellent way.
angleško: The Jury’s Special Prize for groundbreaking cultural change goes to the director of Lada Kamenski, Sara Hribar for smashing the chauvinistic cultural hegemony in Balkan films. In this festival of films from Balkan countries most of the films, include women solely as sex objects or aunty-granny types, and they are always secondary characters.
Lada Kamenski is refreshingly breaking away from the reigning man’s world,and stereotypical views of women. One looks forward to seeing the future steps, from this debuting filmmaker.
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