Uroš Maksimović
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Filmography (2)
Editing (2)
important awards
Finding the right balance and the essence of the story to convey a painful personal experience to the audience without stereotypes and superfluous information was undoubtedly a challenge. The editor rose to it brilliantly with the selection and arrangement of the material, skilfully linking all levels of the story – personal, familial, moral and spiritual. That said, this poignant film would not exist without directorial input in the editing room.
Družinska tragedija, tradicionalna albanska vas sredi gorskih brezpotij. Nova gospoda in uprava, svečeniki in odvetniki, proces snemanja, ki je trajal šest let. Vse to je montaža uspela oblikovati v vizualno in dramaturško celoto. Glavni lik filma, dekle, ubito v družinskem sporu, ostaja prisoten v svoji bolečini, molku in pogledu njene matere. Moški liki – sosedje, sorodniki, uradniki in svečeniki – so okupirani z mačo temami: kdo je pomembnejši in kdo si je nagrabil več denarja. Sistem se je spremnil, a patriarhat je ostal.
Extended data
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