Tomaž Gorkič
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Tomaž Gorkič is a film, television and theatre director and scriptwriter, working in Slovenia and Italy. His filmography includes directing two genre feature films and over ten short films, which have been screened at numerous film festivals around the globe and have received more than 50 international film awards. His feature debut Idyll/Killbillies (2015) was defined as ”the first true Slovenian horror film” and also as ”the most radical Slovenian movie after the independence” (Marcel Štefančič Jr., Mladina). It received 21 international film
Tomaž Gorkič is a film, television and theatre director and scriptwriter, working in Slovenia and Italy. His filmography includes directing two genre feature films and over ten short films, which have been screened at numerous film festivals around the globe and have received more than 50 international film awards. His feature debut Idyll/Killbillies (2015) was defined as ”the first true Slovenian horror film” and also as ”the most radical Slovenian movie after the independence” (Marcel Štefančič Jr., Mladina). It received 21 international film awards. His second feature satirical horror film The Curse of Valburga premiered at Sitges Film Festival in 2019 and has received 8 international film awards. Both films were released in cinema, on VOD and DVD in different countries around the world.
Gallery (3)
Filmography (22)
Editing (17)
Writing (16)
Direction (16)
Cinematography (5)
Cast (4)
Production (3)
Production design (2)
Music (1)
Art department (1)
Directing department (1)
Sound department (1)
Camera department (1)
Post production/editorial department (1)
important awards
Serbian: Film koji prosto nećete zaboraviti, moćna alegorija o protraćenom vremenu, besmislu života uopšte, duboku uznemiravajuće ogledalo svih nas, blaženo nesvesnih robova obrazaca i šablona, realizovan na originalan način i odlična rešenja u pogledu glume.
For the powerful atmosphere and the use of strong symbolism which leaves the audience with many different interpretations.
Best Comedy Feature.
Horror films category.
A nihilistic and 'politically incorrect' comedy, belonging to the Splatter Horror genre, full of irreverent humor. The exponential increase in the number of victims is supported by the gore effects and the visual environment, both of which are very well done. With this film, Slovenia finally finds its place on the map of genre cinema.
Tomaž Gorkič v znanstveno fantastičnem filmu Apopotoza leta 2074 zgradi futuristično mesto, v katerem ljudje z identifikacijskimi čipi umirajo vsem na očeh. Njihova trupla izrabljajo v prehrambeni industriji in aluzija na nacizem je mogočna. Produkcijsko močan izdelek, ki z mračno atmosfero izpostavlja neposredni namig na iztrebljanje človeške identitete, obenem pa skrbvzbujajoče tesnobno preizprašuje prihodnost.
Feature film
Slovene: Tomaž Gorkič že nekaj časa izkazuje posebno nagnjenje do brutalnega, duhovitega in intimnega koncepta filmskega ustvarjanja. Z Verigo mesa je svoje predano delo idejnega snovalca, montažerja, scenarista in režiserja, ki ga odlikuje tudi skrbno, premišljeno in profesionalno gibanje z izbrano in usposobljeno ekipi, prignal do nove točke, ki krvavo diši po daljši formi. Veriga mesa je plod dobrega poznavanja zgodovine in sedanjosti posebnega žanra, njegovega filmskega jezika, obenem pa tudi delo, ki srhljivo nazorno pokaže, kaj in kdo vse živi med nami in v nas, pa si tega prevečkrat nočemo ali ne znamo priznati.
Extended data
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