- Basic info
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- Filmography (13)
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Maj Rebolj is a grip and director. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Košarkar naj bo 2 (2019), Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad (2019) and Ata in stol (2021). He received 2 awards.
Gallery (6)
Filmography (13)
Direction (4)
Cast (3)
Writing (1)
Production (1)
Music (1)
Grip department (5)
Directing department (1)
Music department (1)
Distribution (1)
important awards
(Jury Award)
best screenplay
Maj Rebolj – za scenarij filma Ata in stol
Scenarij za kratki igrani film Ata in stol je Maj Rebolj spisal s spretnimi vsebinskimi obrati, ki presenečajo praktično z vsako sekvenco. V scenariju uspešno prepleta svetove mlajše in starejše generacije ter na indirekten način vpelje pomembne družbene teme kot so samomor, družabna omrežja, predsodki, nasilje in masovna nekritičnost.
(Jury Award)
best editing
Extended data
Contact the editors
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