Jura Ferina
Jura Ferina is a music composer. The most well known projects he collaborated on are 9:06 (2009), Pojdi z mano (2016) and Izbrisana (2018). He received 2 awards.
Filmography (8)
Music (8)
important awards
Vesna Award
(Jury Award)
best music/score
For creating a very precise and surprisingly organic musical accompaniment to the trials and tribulations of the main character in this historically difficult film. The team of composers with its achievement have undoubtedly elevated the audible experience of the film, heightening even further the emotions and the actions of the story itself.
Vesna Award
(Jury Award)
best music/score
V filmu, kjer si glavne vloge delijo čudovita pokrajina, četverica prijateljev ter strah pred neznanim, glasba poskrbi za čustveni kontekst in v pravi meri soustvarja in gradi atmosfero filma.
Extended data
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