Ivan Gergolet
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Ivan Gergolet (1977) is a member of the EFA, he graduated in cinema from the University of Bologna. He was one of the media activists that created OrfeoTV, the first street television in Italy, in 2002. Gergolet started working professionally in 2006, also as a runner, assistant director, and unit manager on several productions. Since 2008, he has taught filmmaking in high schools and the Trieste jail, developing and shooting short films, documentaries, as well as music and social videos to promote filmmaking as a social awareness and a tool f
Ivan Gergolet (1977) is a member of the EFA, he graduated in cinema from the University of Bologna. He was one of the media activists that created OrfeoTV, the first street television in Italy, in 2002. Gergolet started working professionally in 2006, also as a runner, assistant director, and unit manager on several productions. Since 2008, he has taught filmmaking in high schools and the Trieste jail, developing and shooting short films, documentaries, as well as music and social videos to promote filmmaking as a social awareness and a tool for personal growth. His documentary debut Dancing with Maria (2014) was the first documentary ever selected for the International Film Critics Week programme of the 2014 Venice IFF, where it received the Civitas Vitae Price.
Gallery (6)
Filmography (5)
Direction (4)
Writing (3)
Cinematography (2)
Editing (2)
important awards
Ivan Gergolet v Možu brez krivde koplje goboko po človekovi naravi in moralnih vprašanjih, ki ga zadevajo. Koncizno vodi glavna igralca ter skozi geste, poglede in dotike razpira njuno zapleteno notranje življenje. Hkrati uspe v filmu subtilno razpreti tudi druge pomembne teme, od problematike azbesta, prek zamejske identitete do razrednih razlik. V maniri počasnega filma si vzame čas za razvoj zgodbe, a nas s tem, ko ves čas ostaja skrivnosten in dvoumen, drži v suspenzu. Na ta način ustvari ambivalentno delo, ki nas zaposluje še dolgo po odhodu iz kinodvorane.
Film Mož brez krivde že od prvega kadra eksponira samodestrukcijo slovenske manjšine v zamejstvu, kar, prepleteno z ekološko noto ter močjo in brezbrižnostjo kapitala, rezultira v vsesplošni skupni pogubi. Četudi je dogajanje postavljeno v zamejstvo Italije, lahko problematiko preslikamo na katerokoli od naših manjšin. Temi neskrbi za lasten jezik in kulturo ter podjarmljenosti večini sta dramaturško izvrstno razpeti skozi naracijo in oblikovanje likov, kar je podprto z izjemno tenkočutno estetiko in izpovednimi kadri. Pomnite: prah dihamo – dihamo prah.
Beautiful story told in a very professional way by a talented and sensitive artistic point of view.
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