Bojan Kastelic
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Filmography (79)
- Soundtracks
- Awards
- Organizations
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- Contact the editors
Bojan Kastelic is a director of photography and camera operator. The most well known projects he collaborated on are Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo (1987), Varuh meje (2002) and Fant, pobratim smrti (1992). He received 6 awards.
Filmography (79)
Cinematography (72)
Direction (2)
Cast (1)
Camera department (17)
important awards
TV Slovenija Award
(Tradercraft Award)
best cinematography
Jože Babič Award
(Tradercraft Award)
best cinematography
Snemalec in direktor fotografije Bojan Kastelic je z izvrstno kamero – s pretanjenim občutkom za osvetlitev, za barve in za kompozicijo kadra – ustvaril izjemno vizualno podobo dokumentarnih filmov Potovka in Prijatelj čebelar in ponovno potrdil visoko, mednarodno primerljivo raven dokumentarisične vizualne estetike na slovenski nacionalni televiziji.
RTV Slovenija
Awarded at:
FSF - Festival slovenskega filma
Metod Badjura Golden Award
(Jury Award)
best cinematography
Badjura Award
(Tradercraft Award)
great achievement in filmmaking
Metod Badjura Special Prize
(Jury Award)
best cinematography
Posebna nagrada Metod Badjura z diplomo za mlajšega snemalca.
Extended data
Contact the editors
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