Andrina Mračnikar
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Andrina Mračnikar (1981, at) studied directing at the AGRFT and directing & screenwriting at the Vienna Film Academy. She has won numerous prizes, primarily for her documentary films. Her debut feature fiction Ma folie (2015) won the First Steps Award and many other internationally-renowned awards. After Andri 1924-1944 (2003) and With Death as the Only Certain Fate (2006), Disappearance is the third part of a documentary trilogy about the history and future of the Slovenian national minority in Austrian Carinthia.
Dnevnik (1951- )
Filmography (6)
Direction (5)
Writing (4)
Cast (1)
important awards
Nagrada v višini 3.000 evrov, ki jo podeljuje avstrijski časnik »Kleine Zeitung«
Pomembna zgodovinska tema položaja slovenske manjšine na avstrijskem Koroškem je pričarana skozi prefinjeno tkanje osebnih travm in spominov, zgodovinskih dejstev in aktualnih političnih dogajanj, z globoko doživetim in iskrenim pristopom k temi v režiji in kakovosti celotnega filma.
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