Srečno Kekec

Good Luck, Kekec
  • Fiction Film
  • 80'
adventure, family, youth
  • 1963
  • Yugoslavia (Slovenia)
480 SD


In this sequel of the famous film Kekec, our little hero and his friend Rožle meet with the mythological mountain hag Pehta and Kekec realizes that looks can often deceive. Although Pehta is determined to keep the medicine which would heal Mojca's blindness hidden from Kekec, and although she treats the villagers and their superstitious beliefs with contempt until the very last moment, she is soft

In this sequel of the famous film Kekec, our little hero and his friend Rožle meet with the mythological mountain hag Pehta and Kekec realizes that looks can often deceive. Although Pehta is determined to keep the medicine which would heal Mojca's blindness hidden from Kekec, and although she treats the villagers and their superstitious beliefs with contempt until the very last moment, she is softened in the end by Kekec's cheeky tricks and winning ways and tells him how to use the magic herbal drops. Kekec follows Pehta's instructions and Mojca regains her eyesight. Watching Kekec, we are reminded of the courage and the light-hearted mischievousness of (our) youth.






Production design

Costume design



Relevant Awards