Smrtna ura
- Short Fiction Film
- 19' 9''
- 2024
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
Based on an iconic Yugoslavian graphic novel by Kostja Gatnik, the story follows the life of Urban, a man trapped in monotonous daily patterns. Years pass as Urban grows up and ages, with tireless repetitions persistently dominating his dreary life like a working machine. However, just before his death, a glimmer of the meaning of life dawns upon Urban.
Director's statement
The story of the monotony and emptiness of the life, caught in the callous wheel of a system based on constant (almost) forced labor, which enables only the basic necessities of survival on the threshold of social and mental poverty, represents an homage to the timeless work of Kostja Gatnik.
Gallery (5)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Art department
Visual effects
Camera department
Lighting department
Costume department
Hair and Make-up department
Post production/editorial department
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration
creative services
technical services
support services
important awards
Serbian: Film koji prosto nećete zaboraviti, moćna alegorija o protraćenom vremenu, besmislu života uopšte, duboku uznemiravajuće ogledalo svih nas, blaženo nesvesnih robova obrazaca i šablona, realizovan na originalan način i odlična rešenja u pogledu glume.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Janez Lapajne, Čedomir Kolar, Miran Zupanič Explication
Scenarij Tomaža Gorkiča po stripu In ko pride smrtna ura, Urban pomisli in reče..., pod katerega se je podpisal Kostja Gatnik alias Magna Purga, ohranja univerzalnost in večno relevantnost sporočila iz kultne predloge. Kot tak predstavlja obet za izviren, premišljen in luciden prenos v filmski medij. Scenarij je dobro strukturiran in se izogiba banalnostim. Karakterizacija Urbana, osrednjega lika, ima nadgradnjo v predvideni igralski zasedbi iz treh generacij znane slovenske igralske družine. Avtorju svetujemo razmislek o smiselnem kronološkem izboru političnih govorov oz. govorcev, ki bi se časovno menjavali ustrezno glede na časovno obdobje, tako kot se bo skozi film staral Urban. Film s čisto dramaturško linijo bo zanimiv tudi za gledalca, ki ne pozna Gatnikove predloge. Privlačen je za premišljeno distribucijo v slovenski Art kino mreži. Osredotočenost na slehernikovo popotovanje skozi čas temu kratkemu filmu zagotavlja tudi privlačnost za mednarodni festivalski prostor.
Contact the editors
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