- Fiction Film
- 85'
- 2020
- Slovenia, Italy
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Bruno and Duša, who live in the same nursing home, enjoy each other’s company. However, their moments together are always soon forgotten, as both of them suffer from dementia. Each time they meet feels like the first. This unique relationship is evoked by Gigliola Cinquetti’s song Non ho l’età, performed at the Sanremo Festival back in the 1960s – the only shared memory from their youth. When Brun
Bruno and Duša, who live in the same nursing home, enjoy each other’s company. However, their moments together are always soon forgotten, as both of them suffer from dementia. Each time they meet feels like the first. This unique relationship is evoked by Gigliola Cinquetti’s song Non ho l’età, performed at the Sanremo Festival back in the 1960s – the only shared memory from their youth. When Bruno is alone, his past resurfaces, causing him to retreat to his old life – his home, his wife, and his dog, which are, in reality, no longer around. One night, he has trouble finding his room. He accidentally walks into Duša’s and falls asleep next to her. In the morning, they start arguing, each of them convinced the other one is in the wrong bed, only to rediscover their mutual affection. Moments later, dressed in her finest clothes, Duša waits for Bruno at their breakfast table in vain.
Director's statement
A few years ago, when my uncle was still alive, I often went to visit him at a retirement home where he lived. I was moved by the vulnerability of those people, their sporadic smiles, and the childish
A few years ago, when my uncle was still alive, I often went to visit him at a retirement home where he lived. I was moved by the vulnerability of those people, their sporadic smiles, and the childishness with which they perceived things around them. I am interested in the atmosphere of a retirement home, which oscillates between poetry and higher knowledge.
Gallery (16)
Credits order
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Directing department
Production department
Sound department
Camera department
Post production/editorial department
technical services
important awards
NAGRADO VELIKI PLAN prejme Sandi Pavlin za vlogo Bruna v filmu Sanremo
Sandi Pavlin da liku Bruna obliko s preciznim in pretanjenim občutkom za človeka in človečnost in z natančnimi igralskimi orodji. V upodobitvi bolnika z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo je docela prepričljiv in verjeten, kar pa še nadgradi z razumevanjem režiserjeve poetike in umestitvijo lika v filmsko podobo. Sandi Pavlin je ustvaril pomembno vlogo za slovenski film in nam pokazal, da je filmski obraz, ki smo ga že ves čas pogrešali.
Extended data
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Lilijana Nedič, Rok Biček, Rok Sečen, Tina Smrekar (alternate) Explication
Staranje družbe in izjemen porast oseb z demenco poraja nove aktualne teme. Zaplet pričujoče zgodbe predstavlja nezmožnost navezovanja čustvenih kontaktov, ki so glavni problem osrednjega protagonista. Avtorja zanima nenavadna atmosfera doma za ostarele, ki niha med poetičnostjo oziroma nekim višjim spoznanjem, povezanim s starostjo, in otroškostjo, ki se človeku vrača v obdobju, ko ne zmore več sam skrbeti zase. Scenarista je pri grajenju likov očitno veliko bolj kot zdravstveni aspekt njihovih diagnoz, zanimala manifestacija tega stanja in emocije, ki jih to prinese s seboj. Scenarij ima jasno in prepričljivo strukturo, ki jo dodatno podpira detajlna karakterizacija likov.
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