Majka Mara
- Fiction Film
- 96'
- 2024
- Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luxembourg, Switzerland
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- Episode
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- Music
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- Screenings
- Archival footage
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- Filming locations
- Trivia
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Mara’s life is disrupted by the sudden death of her only son. Through a relationship with a younger man, she tries to face the loss and find a way to move on. Based on the elements of the play We are the Ones Our Parents Warned Us About by Tanja Šljivar.
Mara, a successful businesswoman and single mother, suddenly loses her son Nemanja to an untimely death. She clamps up and refuses to show emotions being repulsive and unavailable for any communication on the subject with her friends and family. With buried trauma deep inside of her, she meets Milan, Nemanja’s friend. Milan is someone she intends to use to find out about her son’s life. Emotions they both share toward Nemanja and his sudden death brings them together and initiate physical relationship. Although she wants to keep him at a distance and keep their relationship purely physical, she starts to open up to him. Not knowing what she wants she realizes she enjoys his company. While spending a day together at a floating house on the river when Mara recounts how she found her son dead. Milan starts to see Mara for what she really is, and for the first time, they feel real closeness and tenderness as two human beings.
Gallery (21)
Credits order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
Extended data
Mother Mara (English)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Polona Petek, Miha Hočevar, Igor Palčič, Simon Tanšek (alternate) Explication
»Scenarij za celovečerni igrani film Majka Mara je pri ponovni prijavi bistveno izboljšal svoj izpovedni potencial. Tematika o Mari, uspešni poslovni ženski in materi, ki jo potegne v vrtinec samoizpraševanja in samoobtožb potem, ko njen sin stori samomor, je vsekakor univerzalna. Scenarij je bistveno napredoval glede izvirnosti, saj je tokrat zgradba zgodbe manj predvidljiva in bolj presenetljiva, čeprav še vedno prepričljiva. Mestoma je v pripovednem načinu in zaporedju dogodkov še vedno zaznati predvidljivost »kriminalne nadaljevanke«, vendar so liki bolj prepričljivi, saj je njihov značajski ustroj bolje vpet v zgradbo zgodbe. Navzočnost Slovenije, Slovencev, slovenskega jezika oziroma slovenske kulture v scenariju je prisotna. Hkrati je tudi delež zasedbe vlog s slovenskimi igralci opazen. Pričakovana privlačnost filma za slovenski in evropski oziroma mednarodni kulturni prostor je velika zaradi izpovednega potenciala scenarija in zasedbe vlog pri projektu. Odmevnost režiserkinega dela je izjemna, tako v domačem kot mednarodnem prostoru. Poleg nekaj snemalnih dni v Sloveniji, bosta tu potekali postprodukcija slike in zvoka, v zasedbi bo nekaj slovenskih igralcev, oblikovalka maske in oblikovalec zvoka. Odmevnost dela glavnega producenta je nesporna. Slovenski koproducent je v vzponu, v zadnjem obdobju je vpet v nekaj obetavnih projektov. Finančni načrt in predračun sta utemeljena.«
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