- Short Fiction Film
- 15'
- 2020
- Slovenia
- Basic info
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- Materials
- Episode
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- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
When his father arrives for a visit in a new truck, the eleven-year-old Teo reaches a decision that changes his life forever.
Gallery (1)
Alphabetical order
Production design
Costume design
Sound design
technical services
important awards
A short film can speak to the viewer as a fragment of a larger whole, or as a carefully crafted miniature. With Bits, the director Áron Horváth Botka managed to create a work that brilliantly demonstrates the full potential of the short format, thanks to compelling directorial and acting performance and an extraordinary emotional effect that is perfectly comparable to that of a feature-length drama. Bits is one of the short films where there is nothing to add or take away, a film that achieves its full potential exactly as it is.
Short fiction film
Extended data
Izlet (Slovenian) (working title)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Lilijana Nedič, Rok Biček, Rok Sečen, Tina Smrekar (alternate) Explication
Izlet je kratki igrani film, ki obravnava otroško razočaranje nad neizpolnjenimi obljubami staršev, lociran na severovzhodno obrobje Slovenije, dvojezično Prekmurje. Scenarij je prejel Grossmanovo nagrado 2017.
Projekt je zanimiv vpogled v prve korake iz čarobnosti otroškega sveta v najstniška leta odraščanja. Sina postavlja v trenutek, v katerem prepozna, da je očetovska figura idealizirana, da kot taka v realnosti ne obstaja, hkrati pa pred tem spoznanjem še naprej ščiti mlajšega brata. Kljub temu, da imajo liki v polju karakterizacije še nekaj manevrskega prostora, je dramaturški potencial scenarija prepričljiv, tudi tematski dotik alkohola se lepo vpne v zgodbo.
Senzibilni protagonisti v nepretenciozni zgodbi, ki v kratki film ne postavlja preveč, zato se zdi, da bo ta lahko deloval samostojno, hkrati pa morda tudi kot zastavek daljše forme. Priporočljivo bi bilo, da bi v nadaljnjem poteku dela producent in režiser še natančneje definirala ciljno publiko.
Contact the editors
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