Still frame 3D Filozofija (2019)
Still frame 3D Filozofija (2019)
Poster: FSF - Festival slovenskega filma
Kukla at an event organized by: Ponta Lopud.
Jurij Drevenšek at an event organized by: Ponta Lopud.
Gaja Naja Rojec at an event organized by: Ponta Lopud.
at an event organized by: Ponta Lopud.
at an event organized by: Ponta Lopud.
Still frame 3:rma ~ Country Club at 5 (2023)
Poster: FSF - Festival slovenskega filma
Still frame 4sqm (2021)
Still frame 4sqm (2021)
Still frame 500 let (2016)
photo from set 50 skladb, ki so nas zapele (2023)
Jaka Batič on the set of 50 skladb, ki so nas zapele (2023).