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Zlatolaska Samorastnik Award (Academy Award) ------- UL AGRFT - Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Leo Černic
Golden Peacock Feather (Jury Award) best screenplay Paunovo pero Amir Muratović RTV Slovenija Kruhovo leto (2005)
Zlato Pero (Jury of Critics Award) best directing Pulski Filmski Festival Boštjan Hladnik Ples v dežju (1961)
Golden Award of Recognition (Jury Award) best film Slavistično društvo Slovenije Jan Krevatin Portret Izgubljenim (2017)
Legenda o Zlatorogu (2022) / Short Animated Film / 13' 35'' / Director: Lea Vučko
"Zlatorog", Maribor (1953)
"Zlatorog", Maribor (1953) / Eng: Zlatorog Maribor
Short Fiction Film
Zlatorog Maribor

62781 results. Displaying: 25.
