Winter Apricots - Prilep International Film Festival
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Festivalske izdaje
angleško: We decided to give the prize for the BEST BALKAN FILM to a short movie that impressed all of us in the jury with its explosive power: “GRANNY’S SEXUAL LIFE” by URŠKA DJUKIĆ, ÉMILIE PIGEARD. We want to reward the courage of the authors to give back a voice to the women that didn’t have it in the past. All this through a provocative artwork that sews together images, animations, and sounds, into a crescendo of emotions for a greater political demand. It invites all of us to reflect on the privilege of narration, self-representation, and liberty in the arts, denied to a lot of people, in the past, and in some cases, also today.
Razširjeni podatki
Stik z uredništvom
Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.