SEF festival - Festival studentskih etnografskih filmova
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Festivalske izdaje
angleško: This film shows an intimate portrait of the family that was born and raised on tobacco fields, overlapping with the filmmaker herself. The atmosphere that the author painted for us is incredibly sincere, with the intimate relationship of the protagonists wonderfully cutting through the narrative. Through the story we understand not only the process of making tobacco, but also how social relations, labour and aspirations have shifted per generation in Bulgaria. Family narratives that for years grew and matured alongside tobacco, expressing themselves tactile and actions, much more than with words. The family transitions happening in relations with Tobacco seasons, made them into an inseparable unity. Truly observational and ethnographic, we think this work speaks to creating anthropological knowledge through the use of highly artistic and audiovisual methods.
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Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.