Międzynarodowy Festiwal Szkół Filmowych i Telewizyjnych „Mediaschool”
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Festivalske izdaje
Glavna nagrada v višini 6.000 PLN, financirana s strani direktorja Poljske televizije.
angleško: This film was chosen for its outstanding look, the care and understanding of human nature, the great sense of humour. Really enjoyable for the audience. We felt really satisfied and would be proud of this film if we directed it. This filmmaker created a unique and outstanding character which is a protagonist we love. Although he is a pathetic character and bad things happen in his life we feel optimistic for him. He is supposed to be a loser but we care about him rather than despise him. The empathy is all there.
Druga nagrada v višini 5.000 PLN, financirano s strani Ministrstva za kulturo in kulturno dediščino
Tretja nagrada ex equo
Glavna nagrada v višini 10.000 PLN, financirana s strani direktorja Poljske televizije.
angleško: An ironical tale of subtle humor told with the highest professional values that ultimately demonstrates a faith and optimism in human kind.
Za najboljši izbor filmov.
Za najboljši izbor filmov.
Razširjeni podatki
Stik z uredništvom
Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.