Film Festival Della Lessinia
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Festivalske izdaje
Nagrada žirije MicroCosmo - žirija zapornikov iz Verone angleško: Faced with the truth, one cannot hide, in the historical evidence as in the individual experiences that determine it. Knowledge with awareness does not allow for loopholes, on pain of inner suffering; a need for pacification emerges even accepting the price of disadvantages in the immediate. It is a path that begins with recognition of the victims. They wait to be honored, recognized in their dignity. This film leads to linger on the unsolved matters carried inside for some time, both as individuals and as a community. We need to explore our own private wars in order to develop our conscience and put ourselves on the line to build peace: this is liberation. In Rudar, the father's sense of human and emotional responsibility is renewed and takes on new forms in the social commitment of a daughter. And right there, they recognize each other. The path of consciousness from interiority leads to constructive action, for a possible new beginning.
Posebna nagrada Casse Rurale Vallagarine za najboljši film o Alpah. angleško: From the bowels of the mountains emerge individual and collective stories that open up old wounds, in a land that has never dealt with its history. The mountain becomes a therapy for pain and a source of redemption.
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