BAB - Biennial of Animation Bratislava
- festival
Bratislava, Slovaška
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BAB - Biennial of Animation Bratislava je slovaška organizacija - festival.
Festivalske izdaje
Nagrada Viktorja Kubala
za najboljši film
angleško: In the film, four women reminisce about old times when they were young. Reality is reduced to a handful of lines, similarly to Viktor Kubal's work, and perfect animation depicts the bleak life of women at the beginning of the twentieth century. The theme of the film is still relevant in many countries.
XL tekmovalni program za gledalce starejše od 15. let
Festivalska projekcija
Razširjeni podatki
BAB - Biennial of Animation Bratislava
Stik z uredništvom
Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.