Tijana Marković
Filmografija (1)
Zasedba (1)
Nagrade in nominacije
Referenčne nagrade
Nagrada v višini 5.000 EUR, donator Sparkasse Spree-Neiße
Obrazložitev (angleško): Three touching performances revealing their characters' unique personalities and rendering alive the complexity of adolescent epe of innocence, love, envy and desire – which have no option but to exit within a setting of constant surveillance. For taking us on an emotion journey while revealing some of the real life struggles of life in a youth special care institution, the jury would like to award best acting performance to first time actors Marijana Novakov, Tijana Markovic and Valentino Zenuni in the film OASIS by director Ivan Ikić.
Razširjeni podatki
Stik z uredništvom
Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.