Simon Intihar
Simon Intihar is a Slovenian filmmaker and musician. His short films have been screened at over 80 film festivals (Virginia, Manaki, Cucalorus, Alicante, Motovun, etc.), gathering several awards. As a musician he played at more than 100 music festivals, including InMusic, Metal-days, Europavox, WAVES, etc. He is a Talents Sarajevo (2017) and Berlinale Talents (2019) alumnus. In 2019, he curated a list of films for the site under the section “Guest Picks”.
Gallery (3)
Filmography (24)
Writing (9)
Direction (9)
Editing (8)
Cinematography (5)
Production (3)
Music (2)
Cast (1)
Animation (1)
Production design (1)
Sound design (1)
Directing department (9)
Camera department (4)
Visual effects (1)
Post production/editorial department (1)
important awards
Slovene: Film spretno navigira med dvema ravnema: na eni prikaže fascinanten karakter Boštjana Čadeža, ki ga spoznamo tako skozi zaupen odnos z režiserjem kot skozi njegov ustvarjalni miselni proces. Na drugi strani pa vidimo družbeno-kulturni vpliv Boštjanove igre Line Rider, ki je močno vplivala na številna življenja in zgradila skupnosti ljudi, tudi tistih, ki so po navadi marginalizirane. Gledljiva, humorna, hkrati pa čustvena filmska izkušnja
The award was presented by Belgian distributor Ben Vandendaele from Radiator IP Sales.
Extended data
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