Juraj Lerotić
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- Filmography (1)
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Gallery (1)
Filmography (1)
Cast (1)
Writing (1)
Direction (1)
important awards
Juraj Lerotić has directed a moving personal story in a suggestive and elegant way, using precise film language and completely avoiding sentimentality, and has created a feeling of suspense until the last shot and an intensive, almost irrational hope that we will somehow avoid the unavoidable outcome. This feeling of not only sympathy, but also being emotionally invested in the fate of the characters stays with us long after the film is over.
V vseh izraznih sredstvih vrhunsko izpeljan filmski prvenec Juraja Lerotića ni zgolj skrajno oseben, ampak tudi inovativen, tenkočuten in idejno domišljen. Precizna študija človeške krhkosti preko intimne izkušnje razgalja (ne)delovanje sistema.
For its precise framing and minimalistic film language, about a complex and painful family situation, shot with tenderness, subtleness, and sensitivity, and with a remarkable performance of the actors.
Extended data
Contact the editors
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