Muca Copatarica

Slipper Keeper Kitty
  • Short Animated Film
  • 10' 30''
  • 2024
  • Slovenia


The unruly children from a small village set out to find Muca Copatarica, who took away their carelessly scattered slippers the previous night. This is an animated version of the iconic Slovenian fairy tale, which is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year.

In the idyllic Small Village live happy and lively children. At night before bed, they carelessly take off their slippers and throw them around the room. To their great surprise, the footwear disappears by morning. At first, they search the house unsuccessfully, then their parents tell them that the cat took them. They can only run outside when it is warm enough so that their bare feet don't get cold. When they finally gather, they decide to find Muca Copatarica and ask her for their slippers. They set off into the forest. Muca Copatarica welcomes them kindly and gives them their mended and cleaned slippers, and the children promise her that they will take better care of them from now on.







Sound design
