Posljednja reprezentacija
- Documentary Film
- 90'
- 2022
- Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
The Lost Dream Team is a story of the last Yugoslav basketball team and their quest for a gold medal in the face of political turmoil and the ensuing period of war. It is a psychological study of the players, the trials and tribulations of their comradeship, and their remarkable experience of being a part of a unique team in sports history, the only team that won a gold medal, stood on the podium and watched their flag being raised—all for the glory of a country that ceased to exist three days earlier.
Director's statement
The main theme of the movie is the six-day period of the European Championship in Rome, 1991. On the one side, we have a powerful sports story—the pursuit of a trophy to alleviate the national turmoil
The main theme of the movie is the six-day period of the European Championship in Rome, 1991. On the one side, we have a powerful sports story—the pursuit of a trophy to alleviate the national turmoil. On the other, we have some very humane, emotional stories and confessions—how do you keep on playing for the team that shares the name with your homeland's aggressor? To win? For whom? What happens when you realize that no one really gives a damn about that country?
Gallery (5)
Costume design
Sound design
Production department
Sound department
Lighting department
Post production/editorial department
Mentoring and Consulting colaboration
Extended data
Izgubljeno sanjsko moštvo (Slovenian)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Vlado Bulajić, Simon Tanšek, Sonja Prosenc, Matevž Luzar (alternate) Explication
Dokumentarni film Izgubljeno sanjsko moštvo se skozi specifično, na videz športno tematiko, ukvarja z večjimi vprašanji sobivanja in razpada nekdaj skupne države. Obravnava univerzalne in relevantne teme na način, razviden tako iz “teaserja” kot tudi dobro strukturiranega scenarija. Ta spaja (emocionalne) pripovedi govorcev, arhivski material in atmosferske sekvence, kar mu omogoča močan emocionalni učinek na občinstvo, ki presega športne navdušence. Film ima potencial za festivalsko pot kot tudi kinematografsko prikazovanje. Režiser Jure Pavlović v svoji filmografiji sicer še nima javno prikazanega dolgometražnega filma, je pa za kratki igrani film Piknik prejel številna priznanja, med njimi nagrado Evropske filmske akademije za kratki film. Razvidno je, da je angažiranost slovenskih soavtorjev, avtorjev prispevkov in igralske zasedbe naslednja: oblikovalec zvoka, oblikovalka maske, glavni igralec. V Sloveniji bo realiziranih 9 snemalnih dni. V Sloveniji bo potekala delna postprodukcija slike (brez montaže) in celotna postprodukcija zvoka. Glede na oddano dokumentacijo dela glavnega producenta zajemajo predvsem dokumentarne serije in filme. Prijavitelj je aktiven predvsem na področju dokumentaristike in kratke igrane forme. Finančni načrt in predračun sta korektna, delež zagotovljenih sredstev je dokaj visok. Načrt promocije in distribucije omenja le kinematografsko distribucijo.
Contact the editors
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