
Košarkar naj bo (2017)
Košarkar naj bo (2017) / Eng: Let Him Be a Basketball Player
Fiction Film
Kot gora (2017)
Kot gora (2017) / Eng: Like the Mountain
Short Documentary Film
Kralj Kantor (2017)
Kralj Kantor (2017) / Eng: King Kantor
Short TV Play
Krtek Vrtek na travniku (2017)
Short Animated Film
Ksana (2017)
Fiction Film
Več po oglasih: Kurir (2017)
Fictional TV Episode
Lačen (2017)
Lačen (2017) / Eng: Hungry
Short TV Play
Lačna usta (2017)
Short Animated Film
Lakota (2017)
Lakota (2017) / Eng: Hunger
Short Animated Film
Lapsuz (2017)
Lapsuz (2017) / Eng: Lapsus
Short Fiction Film
Ledena dežela (2017)
Ledena dežela (2017) / Eng: Ice Land
Short Documentary Film
Le dihajoče bitje (2017)
Le dihajoče bitje (2017) / Eng: Only Breathing
Short Documentary Film
Koyaa: Leteči zvezek (2017)
Koyaa: Leteči zvezek (2017) / Eng: Koyaa - Flying Workbook
Animated TV Episode
V dvoje: Let mrtve ptice (2017)
Fictional TV Episode
Letter (2017)
Short Fiction Film
Libido (2017)
Short Fiction Film
Ljubo doma (2017)
Ljubo doma (2017) / Eng: Home Sweet Home
Short Documentary TV Film
Lovska sreča (2017)
Lovska sreča (2017) / Eng: Good Hunting!
Short Documentary Film
Magnifico ~ Cici Mici (2017)
Animated Music Video
V dvoje: Maja in vesoljček (2017)
Fictional TV Episode
Mali pekel (2017)
Short Documentary Film
Mame (2017)
Fictional TV Series
Mark Požlep, Otok (2017)
Mark Požlep, Otok (2017) / Eng: Mark Požlep, Island
Short Documentary Film