
Kako je s tokom? (1950)
Kako je s tokom? (1950) / Eng: Why Is The Electricity gone?
Short Documentary-Fiction Film
Krepimo pripravljenost protiletalske zaščite (PAZ-a) (1950)
Krepimo pripravljenost protiletalske zaščite (PAZ-a) (1950) / Eng: Enforcement Of Air Defense Units
Short Documentary Film
[Kurenti v Markovcih] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
Oton Župančič (1950)
Oton Župančič (1950) / Eng: Oton Zupancic
Short Documentary Film
Planica Jugoslavija (1950)
Planica Jugoslavija (1950) / Eng: Planica, Yugoslavia
Short Documentary Film
Planiški teden 1950 (1950)
Short Documentary Film
Plavi 9 (1950)
Plavi 9 (1950) / Eng: Blue 9
Fiction Film
[Pogozdovanje Krasa] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
[Pogreb dr. Franceta Kidriča] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
Po sedmih letih (1950)
Po sedmih letih (1950) / Eng: Seven Years After
Short Documentary Film
Pred premiero Trsta (1950)
Pred premiero Trsta (1950) / Eng: Before the Premiere of Trieste, There Will Be Another Spring?
Short Fiction Film
Predvolilno zborovanje v Kopru (1950)
Short Documentary Film
Prekmurje (1950)
Prekmurje (1950) / Eng: Across The River Mura
Short Documentary Film
[Prometna nesreča] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
[Prvi kongres zadružnikov] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
[Rajko Nahtigal/Nachtigall/] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
[Snemanje filma Kekec] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
[Sodni proces proti kulakom] (1950)
Short Documentary Film
Študentske igre (1950)
Študentske igre (1950) / Eng: Student Games
Short Documentary Film
Tržaška mladina na oddihu v LR Sloveniji (1950)
Tržaška mladina na oddihu v LR Sloveniji (1950) / Eng: Trieste Youth on Holidays in Slovenia
Short Documentary Film
Za novo zemljo in kruh (1950)
Za novo zemljo in kruh (1950) / Eng: New Land And Bread
Short Documentary Film