
Rdeče klasje (1970)
Rdeče klasje (1970) / Eng: Red Wheat
Fiction Film
Safari (1970)
Short Documentary Film
Sin (1970)
Sin (1970) / Eng: The Son
Short Fiction Film
Slovenska kulturna kronika za leti 1969. in 1970. (1970)
Slovenska kulturna kronika za leti 1969. in 1970. (1970) / Eng: Cultural Chronicle Of Slovenia 1969-1970
Short Documentary Film
Smer relacije senzibilnost – imaginacija (1970)
Smer relacije senzibilnost – imaginacija (1970) / Eng: The Relationship of Sense and Sensibility
Short Fiction Film
Smrt pijancev (1970)
Smrt pijancev (1970) / Eng: The Death of Drunks
Short Fiction Film
Steklenica vode (1970)
Steklenica vode (1970) / Eng: A Bottle of Water
Short Fiction Film
Stroj (1970)
TV Play
Tko pjeva zlo ne misli (1970)
Tko pjeva zlo ne misli (1970) / Eng: One Song a Day Takes Mischief Away
Fiction Film
Ubita samota (1970)
Short TV Play
Večer z Miškom Kranjcem (1970)
Short Documentary Film
V Jakopičevih vrtovih (1970)
V Jakopičevih vrtovih (1970) / Eng: In the Gardens of Rihard Jakopič
Short Documentary Film
Vladimir Skrbinšek (1970)
Short Documentary Film
Zlati fantje (1970)
Zlati fantje (1970) / Eng: The Golden Boys
Short Documentary Film
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 1/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 1/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 2/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 2/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 3/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 3/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 4/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 4/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 5/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 5/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 6/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 6/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode
72 h zime in 72 h jeseni (1969)
72 h zime in 72 h jeseni (1969) / Eng: In Winter 72h and Autumn 72h
Short Fiction Film
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 7/8 (1969)
Bratovščina sinjega galeba: 7/8 (1969) / Eng: The Crew of the Blue Seagull, The Brotherhood of the Celestial Seagul
Fictional TV Episode