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Metod Banko ~ Pism od Džonija (2016)
Animated Music Video
Metod Banko ~ Pism od Džonija (2016) / Student project / Animated Music Video / 2' 13'' / Director: Filip Bihar, Rawan Hourani, Sandra Jovanovska, Špela Lutman, Miha Oven, Anne Tassel, Tina Zadnik
Metod Blejec
visual concept artist
Metod Črešnar
Metod Jeras
Metod Mayr
In this photo: Metod Pevec
Metod Pevec
Cast, screenwriter, director
In this photo: Metod Pevec
In this photo: Metod Pevec
In this photo: Metod Pevec
Metod Pirc
boom operator
Metod Zorčič
production designer
Tako zraste ...: Metulj (2019)
Tako zraste ...: Metulj (2019) / Eng: How it grows... Butterfly
Animated TV Episode
Metuljčica - I. del (1991)
Metuljčica - I. del (1991) / Eng: Little Butterfly
Short Fiction Film
photo from set Metum (2017)
Metum (2017)
Short Animated Film
Still frame Metum (2017)
Still frame Metum (2017)
Still frame Metum (2017)
Metum (2017) / Student project / Short Animated Film / 2'
Still frame Metum (2017)

56285 results. Displaying: 25.
