Mountainfilm Graz
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Festivalske izdaje
angleško: Kamera Alpin in Gold - People & Cultures
70 minutes, and not one of them boring – thanks to powerful icy landscape images that are enforced, not merely accompanied, by music and sound design. Perfectly natural protagonists tell, in actuality, of their fascinating and often difficult lives within a culture in transition. A highly attentive camera misses no relevant detail, resulting in a completeness that appeals to all senses.
kategorija: Alpske in tuje kulture
angleško: To create this exceptional work, the passion and courage loudly professed by so many film-makers in the adventure field was a mere conditio sine qua non, silently accepted as the undertaking began and uncommented when it was completed. In spite of crippling shooting conditions and an all but insane level of physical risk, the result is a document of professional appearance, written in a very personal hand. This film finally blasts a window into a wall of brutally imposed isolation no-one had dared to penetrate for more than a decade.
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Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.