Tadej Gorzeti
Tadej Gorzeti je snemalec zvoka in producent. Najodmevnejši projekt, pri katerem je sodeloval, je Narava brez meja (2020). Prejel je 3 nagrade.
Filmografija (7)
produkcija (3)
scenarij (1)
režija (1)
osvetljava (2)
sektor zvok (4)
sektor kamera (1)
Nagrade in nominacije
Referenčne nagrade
prva nagrada
za najboljši film
(dokumentarni, turistični)
Zlati val
za najboljši film
posebna omemba
angleško: The jury would like to give a Special Mention to Nature without Borders, a short film that, despite its documentary and institutional imprint, moves the viewer with the unique and unmistakable magnificence of the Julian Alps and Prealps landscapes, captured here with extraordinary energy. Set on both the Italian side of the Julian Prealps Park and the Slovenian side of the Triglav Park, the film confronts us with the power of nature and with the relative, aleatory concept of ‘border’ as a human and geographical construct.
Razširjeni podatki
Stik z uredništvom
Spoštovani, s pomočjo spodnjega obrazca nam lahko pišete. Veseli bomo vaših odzivov.