Dan ljubezni
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Dan ljubezni is a Slovenian fictional TV Series.
Dušan Kastelic
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Dušan Kastelic je avtor animiranih filmov in računalniških iger, ilustrator in pedagog. Je avtor številnih kratkih animiranih filmov v risani in računalniški 3D tehniki.
Finest Films for Toddlers
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A varied selection of contemporary animated shorts made by Slovenian animators for the youngest audience.
Holiday Fun
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A basketball game in the courtyard, feline football, a magic cat, and coming-of-age stories of ladybirds and seahorses. To avoid any chance of being bored during the school holidays, get ready to discover the exciting adventures of this motley group of characters!
How It Grows... 1
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A series of six five-minute animations that follow the lives of animals as they grow and develop. Each episode shows the life cycle of one species from birth to adulthood. The storyline is narrated in rhymes written by the popular Slovenian poet Feri Lainšček, and ends with two riddles.
Katarina Nikolov
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Katarina Nikolov je na Institutu Callegari študirala notranje oblikovanje. Svojo strast do pripovedovanja uresničuje kot scenaristka in režiserka animiranih in dokumentarnih vsebin ter izvirnih avtorskih serij, kjer veliko pozornost posveča kvalitetnim vsebinam za otroke in mladostnike.
Koyaa and the Annoying Objects 1
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Koyaa lives on a rocky ledge high above the clouds. His otherwise peaceful existence is disrupted, time and again, by everyday objects coming to life and misbehaving. Koyaa has to find ever-new creative solutions to fix the trouble they cause. Showing Koyaa in his funny episodes with mischievous objects, this is a series of seven animated shorts plus Hi Koyaa!, a short documentary that gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how the animated films were made.
Koyaa and the Annoying Objects 2
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Koyaa lives on a rocky ledge high above the clouds. His otherwise peaceful existence is disrupted, time and again, by everyday objects coming to life and misbehaving. Koyaa has to find ever-new creative solutions to fix the trouble they cause. Showing Koyaa in his funny episodes with mischievous objects, this is a series of seven animated shorts plus Hi Koyaa!, a short documentary that gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how the animated films were made.
Miha Knific
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Miha Knific je diplomiral iz kiparstva na likovni akademiji v Ljubljani. Ukvarja se predvsem s človeškimi zgodbami, v svojih filmih raziskuje skrajna stanja, kjer ga zanima predvsem svoboda, ki jo ta eksistenčna stanja ustvarijo.
Muri The Cat Miniseries
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In the fictional world of animation, the mini-series brings to life the stories of Muri the Cat and other characters from the popular eponymous children’s book by Kajetan Kovič. Set to legendary songs performed by Neca Falk, new twists and turns of the beloved characters guarantee plenty of fun for audiences of all ages.
Nejc Saje
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Nejc Saje je priznan slovenski fotograf, direktor fotografije in režiser. Leta 1998 je ustanovil filmsko produkcijsko hišo Strup produkcija, katere projekti so se vse do danes predvajali na številnih mednarodnih filmskih festivalih in prejeli več nagrad.
Prince Ki-Ki-Do 1
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In the middle of a dark forest, on top of a medieval tower, lives a chick named Prince Ki-Ki-Do. What looks like a perfectly ordinary chick is, in fact, a superhero! In his struggle for justice in the forest, he enjoys unyielding support from his loyal assistants, tiger mosquitos Tine and Bine.
Prince Ki-Ki-Do 2
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In the middle of a dark forest, on top of a medieval tower, lives a chick named Prince Ki-Ki-Do. What looks like a perfectly ordinary chick is, in fact, a superhero! In his struggle for justice in the forest, he enjoys unyielding support from his loyal assistants, tiger mosquitos Tine and Bine.
Stop motion animation
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Program je sestavljen iz najzanimivejših animiranih filmov domačih avtorjev, narejenih v tehniki stop animacije. Pri slednji sličico za sličico (v formatu 24 sličic na sekundo) premikamo lutke, ki so narejene iz raznovrstnih materialov. Izbor predstavlja mednarodno nagrajene kratke animirane filme, pri katerih lahko občudujemo visoko kvaliteto animacije, unikatnost avtorskih pristopov v zgodbi in podobi ter pozorno oblikovane in izdelane detajle lutk in scenografije.
Špela Čadež
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Špela Čadež od leta 2008 deluje kot neodvisna animatorka in producentka. Njene filme predvajajo po vsem svetu.