Elmir Jukić
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- Materials
- Filmography (2)
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Filmography (2)
Direction (2)
Writing (1)
important awards
Croatian: Za minimalistički pristup režiji koja, uz mali broj glumaca, scena i lokacija, ostavlja snažan emocionalni utisak na gledatelja.
Croatian: Zahvaljujući izvrsnom dramskom tekstu i nadahnjujućoj igri cjelokupnog glumačkog ansambla, dobili smo izuzetno uspjeli filmski prikaz poslijeratnih trauma likova koji su nam na taj način postali izuzetno bliski i prepoznatljivi.
The energy this film exudes and enthralls us with is masterfully nuanced in the rhythm of its narration, as well as in the subtle unfolding of characters that capture the spectator and trasfigure her through their life drama. Watching THE FROG engages the audience in a way that has a redemptive effect and results in deep affective bonds with the story and its protagonists.
Extended data
Contact the editors
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