Male pare
- Short Documentary-Fiction Film
- 15'
- 2024
- Slovenia
- Basic info
- Galley
- Materials
- Episode
- Cast
- Crew
- Organizations
- Music
- Awards
- Screenings
- Archival footage
- Extended data
- Filming locations
- Trivia
- Contact the editors
A saleswoman hears her colleague scream as a masked robber threatens her with a knife. She calls the police and seeks help from passersby. A little later, 13-year-old Edi and his four friends watch social media videos of the robbery, while neighborhood dealer Anel arrives with weed. Teenagers are on edge; they know that Anel's mother works at the robbed store. At first, Anel is utterly unaware of
A saleswoman hears her colleague scream as a masked robber threatens her with a knife. She calls the police and seeks help from passersby. A little later, 13-year-old Edi and his four friends watch social media videos of the robbery, while neighborhood dealer Anel arrives with weed. Teenagers are on edge; they know that Anel's mother works at the robbed store. At first, Anel is utterly unaware of what’s happening, but it doesn’t take long for his mother to call him, blaming him for the possibility that it was his friends that might have committed the robbery. Feeling unjustly treated despite his innocence, Anel is very upset and turns to drinking, which escalates into a fiery clash with Edi. In a moment of chaos, Anel stumbles and crashes to the floor. The others help him to bed. Edi remains by his side, grappling with the weight of his foolish action.
Credits order
Sound design
Extended data
Rimbaud iz mojega dvorišča (Slovenian) (working title)
Baby Money (English)
Technical data
All financial information is obtained from official sources. I.e. producers or organizations which provided the financial support.
Comitee: Aiken Veronika Prosenc, Tina Poglajen, Klemen Dvornik Explication
Film združuje igrano in dokumentarno formo na zanimiv, svež in izviren način. Zelo dobro je umeščen v dejanskost: točno določeno sosesko, trg, v Velenju, v časovno obdobje in celo tamkaj živeče posameznike in družine, ter tako predstavlja zelo relevanten prikaz dela slovenske družbe in generacije mladostnikov. V tem smislu naslavlja – kljub temu, da gre za najstnika, ki poskuša oropati trgovino – tudi univerzalno željo mladostnikov po dokazovanju, sprejetosti med vrstniki, njihovem občudovanju, zaletavost in nepremišljeno delovanje, pa tudi skupinsko preživljanje prostega časa. Prvi del scenarija je v tem smislu bolj strukturiran in dodelan, saj gre, kot sta pojasnila ustvarjalca na predstavitvi, za bolj vnaprej predvideni igrani del, medtem, ko bo v drugi polovici filma poudarek na interakciji med mladostniki, ki se bo na snemanju odvijala spontano, in na avtentičnem prikazu njihovih individualnih osebnosti. Pričakujemo, da bo film zanimiv predvsem za ljubitelje in ljubiteljice umetniškega filma, za festivalsko občinstvo tako doma kot v tujini in za morebitne šolske projekcije.
Contact the editors
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