
The Felons
  • Fiction Film
  • 90'
  • 1987
  • Yugoslavia (Slovenia), Serbia
FULL HD Subtitles


Peter Berdon, a member of the Slovenian minority in Italy, leaves Trieste and takes to Ljubljana in the first years after the Second World War. He makes friends with three older Italian communists, political refugees who, like him, ran away to Ljubljana from the unsettled region Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In the critical year 1948, our secret service asks them to intercede in a certain matter in Tries

Peter Berdon, a member of the Slovenian minority in Italy, leaves Trieste and takes to Ljubljana in the first years after the Second World War. He makes friends with three older Italian communists, political refugees who, like him, ran away to Ljubljana from the unsettled region Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In the critical year 1948, our secret service asks them to intercede in a certain matter in Trieste. The Italians refuse their cooperation for political reasons. Peter, however, offers his services to carry out the task alone, particularly because he would like to meet Florence, an English teacher, whom he is in love with. When he returns to Ljubljana without having carried out the mission, he learns that his Italian friends have been imprisoned. With Ivan, a casual acquaintance of his, they start with minor and major felonious deeds and after a tragically end, he is arrested and put into Sremska Mitrovica prison, where to his great surprise, he is continually charged with association with the Italians and wrongly convicted, Peter starts thinking about escape and of Florence who is waiting for him, somewhere.





Production design

Costume design



Relevant Awards