Filmski obzornik 80 – Metka, Meki
- Documentary Film
- 72'
- 2021
- Slovenia
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1968 forever marked more than half a million Yugoslav men and women when Germany and Yugoslavia signed a bilateral agreement that enabled workforce migration within the so-called Gastarbeiterprogramm. Through various cooking chapters, Newsreel 80 records the particular story of an 80-year-old Metka, who at the age of 28 left for Germany to temporarily work there as a Gastarbeiter, but then stayed permanently. The experience of being a Gastarbeiter has marked her, which is why she generously, hospitably and above all very heartily understands the situation of today’s travellers.
Director's statement
In the process of making Newsreel, Metka restored my faith in humans time and time again, with every visit. She restored my hope after I’d started losing it in the face of all the inhumanity I’ve docu
In the process of making Newsreel, Metka restored my faith in humans time and time again, with every visit. She restored my hope after I’d started losing it in the face of all the inhumanity I’ve documented with my camera in the last three years on the EU borders, where refugees go through unimaginable suffering. Metka showed me again and again that solidarity and hospitality and the simplest of gestures, and that ‘together’, ‘common’ and ‘community’ are possible, here and now.
Gallery (27)
Credits order
Post production/editorial department
important awards
Slovene: Film o “gastarbajterjih,” delavcih, ki so se po drugi svetovni vojni v iskanju boljšega življenja selili iz Sloveniji v države Severne Evrope. Na inovativen in zelo oseben način pokaže, da so Slovenci narod migrantov. Recepte za različne etnične jedi postavi v središče zgodbe in razkrije, da je mešanje kultur najbolj običajen del človeškega življenja.
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