
  • Short Animated-Documentary-Fiction Video Film
  • 35'
art, experimental, video-art
  • 1994
  • Slovenia
  • Awards
  • Screenings
  • Archival footage


Cukrarna is based on the relationship between a dancer situated in front of, beside or behind the screen, and video material simulating a perspective with a pre-recorded 'video' co-dancer in the proportions 1:1. The architecture of the space in front of the screen, which brings both dancers, live and the virtual one, in correlation, is calculated according to the principles of two-dimensional proj

Cukrarna is based on the relationship between a dancer situated in front of, beside or behind the screen, and video material simulating a perspective with a pre-recorded 'video' co-dancer in the proportions 1:1. The architecture of the space in front of the screen, which brings both dancers, live and the virtual one, in correlation, is calculated according to the principles of two-dimensional projection. After the depletion of this illusion follows a video de montage of the figure by way of video dance, animation, shadow play and shots from the Cukrarna historical building in Ljubljana. The video ends with the dancer being released back to her own dance space with accompanying sounds of the roasting of sugar from the white surface identical to the screen in the beginning, to the black caramel when the picture fades away with the illumination of the stage.

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Costume design
