Eggsercize (2015)
Short Animated Film / 5'
Four hens live at a secluded farm together with a sleepy rooster and a grumpy old dog. A female farmer looks after the farm and the animals. But the hens are not very good at laying eggs, and they are upset for not being able to help the farmer. Soon, they find a solution: music and exercise.
Čas za večerjo (2016)
Short Animated Film / 2'
At a street lamp, a male and a female bat are waiting for dinner.
Abuzz (2014)
Short Animated Film / 2'
Is TV haunted? A story that reveals something unusual happening at night.
Escape Velocity (2013)
Short Animated Film / 3'
1960’s, the golden age for astronauts, the time of Moon travel. An astronaut on his way into space. A child wanting to grow up, to be an astronaut like his father.
Babadizaba (2014)
Short Animated Film / 3'
The Babas are partying and having a good time, but then a meteor appears. They must destroy it in order to save the planet. Everyone is panicking, and the conflicting personalities of the three-headed Baba do little to ease the tension, quite the contrary.
Mariana Abrunheiro ~ Maria - Gata (2014)
Animated Music Video / 5'
Animated musical film. Mariana Abrunheiro – Maria Gata.
Bližnje srečanje (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3'
Each year, a planet full of monsters passes by another planet, inhabited by aliens. While the others hide in their homes in fear of alien visitors, young Pif still has to find his way home through the darkness.
Beard Up (2015)
Short Animated Film / 4'
A modern fantasy city is home to various fairytale creatures, who are very much in touch with the latest fashion trends. While a new trend is emerging, the elves persistently shave their beards and arrogantly mock the hairy dwarves. One day, one of the dwarves decides shaving is too inconvenient, and refuses to do it.
Oddaljen spomin (2015)
Short Documentary Film / 3' / 2 awards Awards
Distant Memory is video poetry about the times that once were. It starts with a random event which brings back the memory of the time before the breakup of Yugoslavia, and poses questions about the implications of war and people's forgetfulness.
Vse najboljše (2014)
Short Fiction Film / 8' / 1 award Awards
Vse najboljše is a Slovenian Short Fiction Film. Featuring Luka Marčetić, Boj Nuvak, Nika Jurman. It is defined as a comedy. It was directed by Tosja Flaker Berce and Juš Premrov. It was produced by Temporama. It has received 1 award.
Trus! ~ What Do You Do (2014)
Animated Music Video / 4'
This video is made by scratching and painting on Super 8 film.
Unpacked (2013)
Short Animated Film / 2'
In a dreamland, there is a mix-up at the postoffice, resulting in a series of unfortunate events. Instead of the typical elements fundamental for their roles the fairytale characters get something completely different. The land is plunged into chaos – who is behind all this?
Zadeta od lajfa! (2009)
Short Documentary Film / 25'
Zadeta od lajfa! is a Slovenian Short Documentary Film. Featuring Jernej Kelih, Marta Lamovšek, Manca Stare. It was directed by Haidy Kancler.
Catican (2017)
Short Animated Film / 3' / 1 award Awards
The roles get reversed: mankind is now ruled by cats and subject to religious tyranny. We follow the last day in the life of a human and witness the process of feline domination.
Happy Birthday (2014)
Short Animated Film / 5'
A grandma lives her lonely life in a retirement home. She feeds pigeons, her best and only friends.
Najboljša prijatelja: Crossy Road (2015)
Short Fiction Film / 5'
Waiting for the traffic lights to turn, sparks off a debate among friends.
Claustrophilia (2014)
Short Animated Film / 5'
A short story about a recycled world of the dark future.
Scarecrow Cross (2015)
Short Documentary Film / 11' / 1 award Awards
The story follows a scarecrow positioned very near to a small church. Exposed to the elements, the scarecrow is slowly stripped of its clothes and turns into a cross.
AHA.OK (2015)
Short Animated Film / 6'
Cat Prince decides to run away from home. Many obstacles come his way, and he (more or less) overcomes all of them.
Animals are Special Effects (2017)
Short Fiction Film / 12' / 1 award Awards
A girl is stuck in the in-between space from her previous life to her future birth. In order to be able to be born again, she has to untie the bond with her ancestors. Trapped amidst water, air, earth and fire she is dreaming, projecting and visualizing images from her past and future, which leads her to the very beginning of her existence.