Production year range:
Running time (min):
Number of projects:
Number of projects:
Awarded year range:


Predani ljudem (2008)
Short Documentary TV Film
Predfilm k nadstavbi – OHO (1963)
Predfilm k nadstavbi – OHO (1963) / Eng: Introduction to the Superstructure – OHO
Short Fiction Film
Predlogi (1977)
Short Documentary Film
Predmestje (2004)
Predmestje (2004) / Eng: Suburbs
Fiction Film
Predor (2000)
Predor (2000) / Eng: Tunnel
Short Fiction Film
Pred premiero Trsta (1950)
Pred premiero Trsta (1950) / Eng: Before the Premiere of Trieste, There Will Be Another Spring?
Short Fiction Film
Predsednik (1992)
Predsednik (1992) / Eng: The President
Fiction TV Film
[Predsednik Tito v Kopru] (1954)
Short Documentary Film
Predstava Hamleta u selu Mrduša Donja (1974)
Predstava Hamleta u selu Mrduša Donja (1974) / Eng: Acting Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja, A Little Village Show
Fiction Film
Pred velikim spopadom (1958)
Pred velikim spopadom (1958) / Eng: Before the Great Battle
Short Documentary Film
Predvolilno zborovanje v Kopru (1950)
Short Documentary Film
Pred vozniškim izpitom (1976)
Pred vozniškim izpitom (1976) / Eng: Before the Driving License Exam
Short Documentary Film
Preeksponirano (2022)
Preeksponirano (2022) / Eng: Things Unsaid
Fiction Film
Pregled (1993)
Short TV Play
Pregnani mojster (2012)
Documentary Film
Pregovori (1985)
Pregovori (1985) / Eng: Proverb
Animated TV Episode
Prehajanja (2007)
Short Documentary Film
Prehitevanje (1976)
Prehitevanje (1976) / Eng: Overtaking
Short Animated Film
Prehod (2008)
Prehod (2008) / Eng: Transition
Fiction Film
Prehod (1996)
Short Fiction TV Film
Preizkus z jabolkom (2008)
Preizkus z jabolkom (2008) / Eng: The Apple Test
Short TV Play

7804 results. Displaying: 25.
