V-F-X: Gen.Z

Okrog sveta / Around the world

Brina Perčič, Katarina Pogačnik, Zala Špende
SVŠGUGL, SI, 2022, digitalni format, 4′

In the film, the students metaphorically present various environmental problems and what will happen if the pollution continues. The globe represents the world and shows the possible future, which threatens with the negative consequences that ordinary people will suffer due to the indifference of world leaders.

Vdih Izdih / Inhale Exhale

Samo Pivač
ALUO, SI, 2020, digitalni format, 2′ 2”

The video shows the cycle of destruction and creation, birth and death. These are the two points, and the path between them is life or time. Everything on Earth and in the universe has its own rhythm, birth, life and death.

Osamljenost / Loneliness

Blaž Bergant
SŠOF, Slovenia, 2021, digitalni format, 1′ 1”

The protagonist finds himself in a situation where, despite constant checking, he does not receive any messages, as he has no friends. At some point, he then decides, stops waiting, and writes the first message himself.

Okno / Window

Ela M. Pirnat, Erin Pirc
SVŠGUGL, SI, 2020, digitalni format, 2′ 37”

A mysterious window invitingly calls a young man, who is in mental distress. We alternately follow his actions through the real and mental worlds. How will he decide? The film tells the story of the main character Sebastian, who is contemplating suicide. His fate is finally announced and sealed by the budding artist Maria, who appears in the story as a metaphor for the unconvincing. Throughout the film, Jolanda, wrapped in white, is also shown as a foreboding of the future, which is only the fruit of the protagonist's imagination.

Content warning: The film touches on the subject of suicide. If you are in mental distress, you can call: TOM, Telephone for children and adolescents - 116 111 (free of charge, every day 12 am – 8 pm); Samaritan confidential telephone - 116 123 (free of charge, 24 hours a day).

atteniton! attenzione! pozor! atenção! 주의! atención! ความสนใจ! achtung!

Iva Suhadolnik Gregorin
AVA, SI, 2021, digitalni format, 4′ 35”

The capitalist system convinces us again and again that we as individuals are worth only as much as we are productive. The fruits of this productivity are not important, it is only important that we are productive. Our lives become “projects” that we are constantly improving and upgrading. The system domesticates and tames us by commodifying our body and actions and perceives us as a product that always has room for improvement.

The video intentionally has no story, climax, or obvious red thread. It is a set of shots where nothing happens and together they form a whole in which nothing happens. It focuses primarily on how hyperproductivism and patriarchy affect people who identify as women. How they affect them or don’t. It’s about atmospheres when we just exist.

Moving Spaces – video version

Pavle Banović
ALUO, SR/SI, 2020, digitalni format, 1′ 58”

The video consists of photographs and texts taken from the artist's book of the same name – diary entries of a temporary stay in Ljubljana. What happens to identity, privacy, social and personal life by moving to another place and another country?


Ivana Kalc
AU UNG, HR/SI, 2021, digitalni format, 24′

You have stepped into a place that is like a dream. How to leave it? And more importantly – how to find a way out?


Jaka Komac
AVA, SI, 2021, digitalni format, 2 ′ 59 ”

4sqm is a project that highlights the stark contrast between the limited space in the material world, especially in times of housing crisis, and the seeming infinity of digital worlds – how a person trapped in a four-square-meter room can create vast digital landscapes. It addresses the tendency to explore digital worlds and escape the hardships and limitations of the physical world.

Zbulimi / Odstiranje / Uncovering

Arta Kroni
AU UNG, SI, 2021, digitalni format, 6′ 39”

The author approaches her grandmother with questions she has never before asked. The distance does not allow them to have many honest conversations.

On / He

Klavdija Košir
SŠOF, SI, 2019/2020, digitalni format, 2 ′ 18 ”

The elderly widower lives alone and contemplates living with his deceased wife. He can’t get over her death, and not a day goes by that he doesn’t think of her. He prepares a bouquet of flowers every day and takes it to her grave. At lunch, he prepares cutlery in the place where his wife always sat down for lunch. Her clothes and shoes are still in the closet. The bed is made for both of them. The memory of the woman will remain until he joins her.